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高效数据中心能源效率框架 第1页
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DPPE: Holistic Framework for Data Center Energy Efficiency - KPIs for Infrastructure, IT Equipment, Operation (and Renewable Energy) - August 2012 Japan National Body /Green IT Promotion Council 1 1. Introduction While Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) contribute greatly to improvement of energy efficiency, energy consumption by ICT themselves has been increasing. In particular, datacenters integrating large number of servers consume enormous energy and their consumption level is elevating year by year. Therefore, urgent action should be taken to control the CO2 emission indirectly introduced by the increasing usage of Electricity by datacenters. This could be achieved by enhancing the energy usage efficiency. To enhance efficiency of datacenters, it is essential to evaluate it in a quantitative manner as a first step. Currently, “Power Usage Effectiveness” (PUE) is a widely acknowledged metric to evaluate energy efficiency of a datacenter. However, PUE is a metric to measure the energy efficiency of the datacenter facility. For improvement of the energy efficiency of a datacenter, it is necessary to improve both efficiency of the facility side and the efficiency of IT equipment. To address this issue, “Green IT Promotion Council” (GIPC) has promoted the development of “Datacenter Performance per Energy” (DPPE), a set of novel metrics that describe the entire energy efficiency of a datacenter (as KPIs) and a Holistic Framework for evaluation of the datacenter efficiency by using these metrics. DPPE integrates an index to express efficiency of IT equipment in addition to PUE, an index to express energy efficiency of the facility. Besides, DPPE includes a metric evaluating the usage of Green Energies such as Photovoltaic power generation and Wind power generation. Datacenter operators and datacenter users could evaluate the efficiency of their entire datacenter (both Facility and I